Privacy Policy

The owners and operators of take your online privacy seriously. This document outlines the types of information collected by our servers and provides links to the privacy policies of our third-party advertising partners.

Personally Identified Data

We strongly discourage users from entering their full name, phone number, physical address, or other sensitive information in user profiles, comments, or other areas of the site. Furthermore, we request that minors and any individuals with limited decision making ability not create an account on this site without the approval and supervision of a guardian.

We make a reasonable attempt to monitor for cases where users post personally identifiable information about other individuals to public portions of the web site and remove the offending material.

Server Logs

Like most web sites,  logs web, database, and other server-software usage and access information. This information may include your internet protocol (IP) address, which in many cases can be translated to an affiliation (such as your work, school, or internet service provider), or a geographical location. We only use this information for debugging purposes and for aggregating into anonymous usage and traffic statistics.


While browsing , a small number of text files referred to as "cookies" are created on your local file system by your web browser at the request of our servers. These files allow us to personalize the browsing experience for both registered and non-registered users. You are free to delete them at any time, or configure your browser not to create them. However, we do not guarantee that every feature of  will function as expected without cookies enabled.

Third-Party Advertisers  serves ads provided by a range of third-party advertising networks. The practices of our advertising partners are not directly covered by 's privacy policy. We recommend that you read their policies. For your convenience we provide a list our advertising partners below. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee it is always comprehensive and up to date.

Sharing/Selling of Data  does NOT share or sell personally identifiable data to third parties such as direct marketers. We respect your privacy.

For any problems or questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

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